Meditation Teaching
with Barbara Gagliardi
Shift Your Mindset and Presence in the World
Within each of us is a divine spark. By choosing to explore and nurture this spark through meditation, you will deepen your sense of compassion toward yourself and others.
This will shift your mindset and presence in the world, aligning you with your higher inner guidance.
With my guidance, you can experience emotional cleansing, receive a message you need to hear, feel healing sensations, and many other positive benefits.
My meditation teaching and guidance can help you

Open Up to Greater Understanding and Heightened Awareness
Meditation opens you to greater understanding and a heightened state of awareness. When practiced regularly, it helps you develop a more centered and mindful presence. It improves your ability to make clearer decisions and respond rather than react to everyday stressors.
Meditation is a process of quieting yourself by going within, using various breathing, focusing and visualization techniques. It allows you to resonate with a more harmonious frequency, which will help raise your vibration and the vibration of those around you.
I Specialize in Spiritual Guided Meditation Techniques

There are many forms of meditation, each of which has its own unique techniques and benefits. Through guided meditation, we can invoke higher energies together so you can receive guidance, wisdom and healing insight.
I will bring you through a visualization process to connect you with higher frequencies of ascended divine masters, as well as archangels or guides. All of which will guide you to understanding and healing.
With a chanting meditation you may experience emotional cleansing, a message you needed to hear, or healing sensations. Often my students don’t want to come out of these meditations, for the vibration that comes through is pure love.
My Mindful Meditation Teaching Process
To begin your mediation training, I will guide you on the basic principles and techniques of meditation. I’ll teach you how to be still and breathe properly through exercises, as well as how to quiet your mind and observe your own thoughts.
I’ll teach you how to focus and watch your thoughts with observation and acceptance. With practice, you’ll develop a greater sense of peace and awareness.
I’ll also instruct you on how to practice and utilize meditation on your own: at home, at work, or whenever you have time available – so you can begin to live more consistently in a calmer and centered place within.

Recommended Sessions for Meditation Results
A typical meditation class or session can take between 20 – 45 minutes depending on the style of meditation.
Mindful meditation in a classroom setting with a group is $15 per person.
Private instruction for all forms of meditation is $40 for 1 hour.
I recommend regular meditation practice in a classroom setting at least 2 times per month, along with regular practice at home.
My ascended master meditations are typically included in my ”Connecting with Spirit” workshops, as well as in my holistic program and healing sessions.
Frequently Asked About Meditation
What can a meditation teacher do for me?
I will guide you on the principles and technique of meditation, teaching you how to breathe properly.
I will teach you how to be still with breathing exercises, to quiet your mind and observe your own thoughts.
I’ll also instruct you on how to practice and utilize meditation on your own – at home, at work, or whenever time is available – so you can work toward being in a more pleasing, calming, or centered place within moment by moment in your everyday life.
Will meditation help me to calm down?
Meditation is a technique for centering and quieting your mind. By simply taking a few minutes to concentrate on breathing – in a slow rhythmic count through the nose – then slowly releasing for the same count as you exhale – this will calm and center you.
This focus on the breath is a base for beginning to meditate.
What if I fall asleep during meditation?
Falling asleep during meditation is common, especially if you’re overtired or after a long day. However sitting up straight will align your spine and encourage you to stay awake.
Often the extreme relaxation of meditation comes about because you’re so relaxed you fall asleep.
Yoga Nidra is a deep sleep meditation that involves lying down while being guided by instructor.
What is Mindful Presence Meditation?
Mindful presence meditation is a meditation practice where we scan our bodies through a relaxed state, and simply allow sensations to be present. This deepens relaxation and focus, decreases stress and increases concentration.
The focus of mindful presence meditation is on heightened awareness of the body, through visually guided relaxation techniques and soft dialogue … bringing your attention beyond the physical.
What is Spiritual Guided Meditation?
Spiritual guided meditation comes from my training at Delphi University of spiritual studies.
There are many different guided meditations that use invoking of higher energies so you can receive guidance, wisdom and healing insight.
Many of the meditations I use are a part of the healing process of the wholistic system. For instance, We may meditate on a particular Master such as Buddha, looking and feeling the love and compassion of buddha and asking what it is we need to do to bring more love into our lives. These are very sacred and intentional meditations which are a part of the process of healing and getting in touch with our inner and highest selves.
Some of my Spiritual guided meditations are channeled through my guides. With my guidance you may experience emotional cleansing, a message you needed to hear, or healing sensations.
Often my students usually don’t want to come out of these meditations, for the loving vibration that comes through is pure love.